
Democratic Dictators

  The idea that the majority rules gives those numbered among the majority comfort, and those in the minority little hope for anything but the crumbs that fall from their table. Sometimes the majority will do the right thing, but generally when it is only of benefit to them. If a community democratically elects to do the wrong thing – an unjust thing, then a democracy is no more admirable than a dictatorship that does the same. There is no honor in doing the wrong thing, simply because it has been dictated by the majority – in a ‘democratic’ way. Had those communities been allowed to There are times when a community must be forced into doing the right thing, even if and when it contradicts the desires and demands of the majority. That is, if the political power structure at the time is so arranged to, (by a majority...

Democratic Dictators

There’s no Honor in doing the Right Thing, Simply Because it’s Been Dictated by the Majority The idea that the majority rules, gives those numbered among the majority comfort, and those in the minority the hope that they may have a fighting chance. Sometimes the majority will do the right thing, but generally only when it is of benefit to them. If a community democratically elects to do the wrong thing – an unjust thing, then a democracy is no more admirable than a dictatorship that does the same. And there is no honor in doing the right thing, simply because it has been dictated by the majority – in a ‘democratic’ way. There are times when a community must be held accountable for doing the right thing, even when it contradicts the desires and demands of the majority. There are towns and cities all across the South that would...

Systems of profit and oppression

Should having a home depend upon providing another person with profit? Poet and philosopher Eli Siegel was the first to ask the question, “What does a person deserve by being alive?” How can we continue to live with the shame of building, sustaining and even celebrating societies that arrogantly refuse to recognize the inalienable right of every human being born into this world to have a home? We have become so mesmerized by our dominating systems of profit and oppression, that we have lost all ability to reference the simplicity of what we as humans ought to be able to access outside another man’s will, and that is a home, our daily bread and to love and be loved. “The fundamental question about housing…is: should a person make a profit from the need of another person to have a home, shelter, a place to live? Should our ability to have...